Thursday, 31 January 2013



Carbohydrates are a macro nutrient that your body needs in high doses on a daily basis for proper functioning.

Whole Grains

Whole grains are high in fiber, have moderate protein levels, are low in fat and are also a good source of complex carbs. Specific examples include millet, oats, wheat germ, barley, wild rice, brown rice, buckwheat, oat bran, cornmeal and amaranth. Any product that is made from these grains is also complex as well. Whole grain bread, bagels, buns and rolls are examples of these. Also pasta, macaroni and breakfast cereals that are made from whole grains are complex carbohydrates.


Fruits are high in water content, fiber, vitamins and they have virtually no fat at all. Fruits packed with complex carbohydrates include apricots, oranges, plums, pears, grapefruits and prunes.


Vegetables are high in water, low in fat, have multiple vitamins and minerals, and most varieties are complex carbs. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, turnip greens, eggplant, potatoes, yams, corn, carrots, onions, all types of lettuce, celery, cucumbers, cabbage, artichokes and asparagus are all examples of these.


Legumes are oftentimes called pulses. These are characterized by seeds that have an exterior pod surrounding them. Beans are a type of legume that is a complex carbohydrate. Specific examples include lentils, kidney beans, black beans, peas, garbanzo beans, soy beans and pinto beans.

Stay Fit :)

Toning your thighs

Tips for getting toned thighs

The key to losing fat on the thighs as well lose overall weight is to burn more calories than you have taken.

Cycling & Skipping are also excellent thigh exercises.

Leg curl and leg presses done regularly can give you well toned thighs.

Anaerobic exercises such as squats & lunges will also give your legs a good workout.

Stay fit n keep smiling :)

How to get great abs?

Tips for losing tummy fat

* Do 30 mins of aerobic exercise daily. Brisk walking and jogging are great low cost exercises to do, but anything that you enjoy and that gets your heart rate up is fine. Shoot for at least 3-5 times per week at a minimum.

* Do whole body workouts 2-3 times per week such as yoga(strenuous) or Pilates or weight lifting program. These types of exercises will build muscle, increase metabolism, and make losing fat easier.

* Hold your stomach muscles in during the day whenever you can think of it. This will strengthen your abdominal girdle and create a flatter stomach.

* Sit up straight and pull in your stomach muscles when sitting. You might want to create physical reminders to do this such as a post-it note on your desk or a loose rubber band around your wrist.

Because we care for you.
Stay Fit with Shape n Smile-The Fitness Club

Workout at home

Try It: Squat with Biceps Curl

The Steps: Holding the medicine ball with both hands, stand with your feet two to three feet apart. Sit your hips back into a deep squat, lowering the ball between your legs. Push through your heels and squeeze your glutes to return to standing, bending your elbows to curl the ball in front of your chest.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Workout at home-For your waistline

Criss-Cross Ab Crunch

The "crunching" movement in the Criss-Cross Ab Crunch draws the ribcage and pelvis together to better target the waist region and get rid of love handles. But, remember to get the best results. It all starts with a balanced nutrition plan.

To properly do this exercise, follow these instructions: 

Criss-Cross Ab Crunch Exercise:Lie on the floor and bend your knees at a 90-degree angle, just as with the Basic Stomach Crunch. Clasp your hands behind your head to hold it lightly, elbows pointing to the sides. Now rise and try to touch your left elbow to your right knee. Be sure you’re twisting with your torso, not your neck. Return to center and repeat on opposite side. When you lift to each side, make sure each lift is clean and distinct -- don’t let it become a lazy rocking motion to each side, and don’t let your shoulder blades touch the floor. Think up and down, not side to side. Each alternating side equals one rep.Do 8-12 reps each.

Stay Fit :)

Belly Fat

Bye-Bye Belly Fat

Every aspect of the body,skin,hair etc needs to be taken care of, those with a pot belly can follow these basic guidelines.

1) Calculate your basic metabolic rate and figure out how many calories your body burns daily just sitting on a couch.

2) Then add in the calories you burn with exercise and daily activity.

3) Calculate your weight loss goal, time frame, and amount of calories you need to cut out daily to reach your goal.

4) Consult with your dietitian for your diet routine.

5) For workouts when trying to lose belly fat the important thing to remember is to include whole body exercises and to rotate your workouts inorder to continually provide a challenge for your body. Otherwise your body becomes acclimated and does not receive as much benefit as if you vary your workouts. So for example, if you always jog 30 mins everyday,that will be less effective than if you do different types of workouts every few days.

Stay Fit :)

Weight Training Benefits

Why Weight training??

If you want to lose fat or change your body, one of the most important things you can do is lift weights. Diet and cardio are equally important, but when it comes to changing how your body looks, weight training wins hands down. If you've hesitated to start a strength training program, it may motivate you to know that lifting weights can:

-Help raise your metabolism.
-Muscle burns more calories than fat, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you'll burn all day long.
-Strengthen bones, especially important for women
-Make you stronger and increase muscular endurance
-Help you avoid injuries
-Increase your confidence and self-esteem
-Improve coordination and balance

Stay Fit :)

Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Glute exercises at home

Back Kicks:

For smooth, fit and sheen legs and butt, this glute exercise is must. This glute exercise is used by athletes, but is very easy to do at home too. Just place a resistance band to something sturdy and place it around your ankle. Now from standing position, hold on to maintain your balance. Straighten your legs and back straight. Now move one leg backwards and gradually high it up as you can. As you lift, squeeze your butt muscles by not twisting your hips. hold for a moment, gradually lower the leg back down and repeat for a set of 10. Do the same formula with the next leg.

Glute Bridge:

You can do this glute exercise easily at home. This glute workout tip not only works on your glute but also on your lower back and hamstrings. Lay own on your back, bent your knees and place your feet firmly on the floor. your back should be in neutral alignment, neither arched nor glued tightly to the floor. Now lift your seat off the floor by rolling up your spine one vertebrate at a time. At this position, your feets and shoulders should remain on the floor. Squeeze your glutes as your hips reach as high as you can do then return to their initial position. Repeat 8-20 times or as per your fitness level.

Froggie Lift:

This is a best glute exercise at home for women to remain fit and smart. Lay on your chest with your hands under your forehead and your feet flexed so that your heels are remain in the air. Press your heels together like frog legs and squeeze your glutes to lift your legs off the floor so that your knees are lifted. Now again squeeze a bit harder to lift your thighs up off the floor. Repeat the exercise for 20-30 times.

Try these easy and applicable glute exercises at home and you will definitely able to reduce over fats on your glutes, butt and legs.

Stay Fit :)

Diet Tips to be followed before wedding..

There seems to be no end to the 'to-do' list for the bride to-be. Even as she waits anxiously for the D-day, there are a thousand tasks to be accomplished before. The most important thing however is cutting the flab before the big day.Here are some handy suggestions for future brides in this write-up.

Here are some very simple things you can do every day to make sticking to your diet easier:

1) Plan your meals so that you eat healthy food, not just whatever is easiest.
2) Think before you eat instead of raiding the refrigerator everytime you feel hungry.
3) Use a smaller plate,so that you can't heap on much more than you really want or need.
4) Chew slowly and completely, savoring every mouthful, instead of packing in as much as you can as quickly as you can.
5) No more snacking or eating three big meals. Instead eat five small meals a day. This will help speed up your metabolism,which is important to lose weight.
6)Identify sources of empty calories in your diet, such as high fat and high sugar snacks, and limit them.
7)Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. They're powerhouses of nutrition and can fill you up on fewer calories.
8) Chose leaner, lower fat meat and dairy products.
9) No starvation and skipping of meals.
10)Eat your calories,dont drink them. Choose your beverages wisely. Alcoholic beverages generally have at least 100 calories or more.

11) Avoid eating after 7 pm at night.
12) Choose high fiber foods such as cereals with wheat,corn and oat bran,as well as, beans and lentils as in split pea,chick peas, or bean soup. Fiber adds bulk to your diet, which can make you control your appetite.
13) A week before the wedding, concentrate on reducing the bloat; go light on alcohol,salt,simple sugars, and food that cause gas.
14) If you chose to eat out, order grilled or baked lean meats that have no added fats. Be aware that some salads have a higher fat content and thus more calories, than some meat dishes.
15) Eat colours in your diet.
16) Fruits like Banana, Mango, Grapes, Chikoo should be avoided.
17) Drinking water increases the rate at which you burn calories, helps you speed up your metabolism and makes you feel full, which means no more snacking on junk food.
18) Pick on exercise that you like and stick to it till you get used to working out.
19) Be regular with your exercise even post the wedding day since brides tend to put on weight post marriage.
20)Most important...Stay happy :)


Sweetcorn is a good source of folate. It also helps protect against age-related macular degeneration and helps fight free radicals in the retina. It provides more starch and more calories than most vegetables. It is high in iron and potassium. It is also a good food for steadying blood sugar.

Stay Fit with Shape n Smile-The Fitness Club

Health Tips

1.Keep an eye on your posture and movement pattern,as they says a lot about your imbalances and areas you need to work on.

2.Keep challenging your body as this is the only way to progress.

3.You should always work under a trained professional.

Stay Fit n Keep Smiling :)

Benefits of Honey

Few Health Benefits of Honey

1)Weight Loss: Though honey has more calories than sugar, honey when consumed with warm water helps in digesting the fat stored in your body. Similarly honey and lemon juice and honey and cinnamon help in reducing weight.

2)Antioxidants: Honey contains nutraceuticals, which are effective in removing free radicals from our body. As a result, our body immunity is improved.

3)Source of Vitamins and Minerals: honey contains Vitamin C, Calcium and Iron.

And much more

Stay Fit with Shape n Smile-The Fitness Club

Tip of the day

Try It

Use anger to your advantage.Being angry elicits a fight-or-flight response from your body.Pound the weights,not the pillow.

Stay fit :)

For your Information

Food consumption: There is no single rule but it is not advisable to eat too close to your workout for the simple reason that you dont want your blood supply to be diverted from the muscles where it is required to be assisting your digestive system.

Stay fit n keep smiling :)

Home workout-Single sky bridge

Single sky bridge

What you'll need: A sturdy chair

Targets: Lower back, butt, and hamstrings

Lie faceup on floor with legs extended and heels resting on the seat of a chair, arms by sides, palms down.

Lift right leg straight over hip, foot flexed. Slowly lift hips off floor until body forms a straight line from left heel to left shoulder; lower.

Do 20 reps, keeping leg lifted, then lower butt to floor. Switch legs; repeat.

Stay Fit :)

Workout at home: For your obliques

                                                Try It

For Obliques:

Oblique crunches are great for targeting what many people refer to as their love handles. Oblique crunches work primarily the obliques and the upper abs because you are performing spinal flexion and rotation.

Do it right:

Lie on your back and cross the left foot over the right knee, hands behind your head.
Keeping lower back pressed into the floor, lift your shoulder blades off the floor and then curl your upper body diagonally across your body towards your left knee.
Contract your abs and obliques as hard as you can at the top of the movement.
Resist on the way back down.
Repeat for 12-16 reps before switching sides.

Stay Fit :)

Tip of the day

Wellness is a combination of nutrition,exercise,emotional health &rest. Nutrition has to be balanced with particular attention paid to hydration.Exercising will prevent aches & pains & optimize your metabolism. Emotional health involves focusing on any suppressed emotions which can trigger imbalances.We also need enough rest, to allow the body to recover & rejuvenate.

Stay healthy :)

Monday, 28 January 2013

Cellulite-Bad appearance

                                    What is Cellulite??

Cellulite is a term used to describe the dimpled appearance of skin caused by fat deposits that are just below the surface of the skin. It generally appears on skin in the abdomen, lower limbs, and pelvic region, and it usually occurs after puberty.

What causes cellulite?

The causes of cellulite are not well understood, but there are several theories that have been put forth as explanations. Among these are:
Hormonal factors - hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development. Many believe estrogen, insulin, nor adrenaline  thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. Diet, Lifestyle Factors and Clothing can also b the reason.

How can cellulite be removed?
Eating a healthful, balanced diet and exercising may be the best way to reduce the fat content in cells and reduce the appearance of cellulite.

How can cellulite be prevented?

Eating healthy, low fat foods such as fruits, vegetables, and fiber can help one to avoid cellulite. Similarly exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, and reducing stress are recommended to prevent cellulite. In addition wearing thongs, boyshorts, or looser fitting undergarments can prevent cellulite that might form due to tight elastic.

What are the exercises to stop Cellulite?


Since cellulite is caused by fat deposits, the first step in combating cellulite is weight loss. A healthy diet and cardiovascular exercise will help you lose weight and start reducing cellulite. Aerobic exercises such as running, cycling and swimming are excellent means of burning calories, increasing your metabolism and losing weight. These types of workouts utilize large muscles and increase your circulation, allowing muscle cells to break down glucose for energy. 


Squats are an excellent workout because they target the lower body, primarily the quadriceps, buttocks and abdominal muscles and will enable you to build lean muscle. Additionally, muscles are metabolically active and burn more fat than any other type of tissue. Thus by performing squats, you will tone your body, burn calories and build lean muscles which in turn, will burn more calories.


Lunges are another strength training exercise that will tone your body, help in building lean muscles and reducing the appearance of cellulite on your legs and buttocks.

At last what I have to say you is....Worrying won't help you in reducing your problems ..thinking and acting as per the need of the situation is important.

Stay Fit :)

Weight gain benefits of Raisins


Weight loss is not the only issue that we are dealing with...weight gain in many cases is a major this update is dedicated to them who are dealing with this problem.

Weight gain Benefits of raisins:

Weight Gain: Raisins, like all dry fruits, are very good for gaining weight, as they are full of fructose and glucose and give a lot of energy. Thus, they form an ideal part of the diet for either athletes or body builders who need a lot of energy or those who want to put on weight, without accumulating cholesterol. This is further boosted due to presence of many vitamins, amino acids and minerals (such as selenium, phosphorus etc.) in raisins which facilitate absorption of other nutrients and proteins in the body.

Stay Fit with Shape n Smile-The Fitness Club

Sunday, 27 January 2013

My weight loss Story



My Mantra- Just Keep It Simple
I always had a medium & athletic body structure & I always loved my body. But there was a time I used to feel embarrassed about it. That was about 6-7 months long period. I gained 10 Kgs in just 3 months because of my sedentary life style. The worst thing that I faced was I went for shopping & there the salesperson pointed me out that “Mam, your XXL size section is on the other side. These Small & Medium size section is not for you.” Then I decided that it is high time for me to get into shape.
My Workout & Diet Plan:
My trainer put me on a routine of 1 hour aerobics, 5 days a week which included Cardio, Weight Training & Stretching exercises. And as far as my diet is concerned by God’s grace am not very foodie & I never starve myself ever. I just had 5 small meals a day in a disciplined way after every 2-3 hrs. Fresh fruit juice, milk, soup & salad were my favorite treat.
My Approach:
Everybody loves healthy & fit life. And healthy mind leads to a healthy body. I just had put my mind, soul & heart into keeping fit. Luckily, I love & enjoy my work-out to its fullest. I believe one need to have a very strong will power & self-control to lose weight. Keeping Simple means- e.g. if you cannot resist yourself from the food that you love & you know that will make you fat, you can have it in a very small portion.
My New Life:
I was working in an MNC after my MBA. But after losing weight I changed my profession & switched to entrepreneurship.Then I did my Reebok Certification for Fitness and now I am running a full-fledged health club in Jammu & helping others to get into shape & stay fit. And love my work. It feels great when people come to me & share their happiness after losing weight & all those compliments that they get. People idolize me these days. They want to be like me. And trust me that feeling is great and take you on top of this world. And about me, I used to go for shopping every fortnight & shop from small & medium sections only…lol ……..!!
Keep reading for further motivation :)
When it comes to setting your goals, they should be S.M.A.R.T.: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Time-bound.
Eat slowly so that you can get a feeling that you have had enough food and your tummy is full. Eat slowly and fully relish the taste.
Tip of the day: Dont reward yourself with cookies & ice-creams after burning calories.EAT THE RIGHT FOOD IN THE RIGHT QUANTITY TO AVOID FEELING DRAINED OUT.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

The Audience See A Joker As A Joker,

But The Joker Sees Himself As A Performer.

No Matter What Others Think About You,

Its Your Life, Just Go On With Confidence.