Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Diet Tips to be followed before wedding..

There seems to be no end to the 'to-do' list for the bride to-be. Even as she waits anxiously for the D-day, there are a thousand tasks to be accomplished before. The most important thing however is cutting the flab before the big day.Here are some handy suggestions for future brides in this write-up.

Here are some very simple things you can do every day to make sticking to your diet easier:

1) Plan your meals so that you eat healthy food, not just whatever is easiest.
2) Think before you eat instead of raiding the refrigerator everytime you feel hungry.
3) Use a smaller plate,so that you can't heap on much more than you really want or need.
4) Chew slowly and completely, savoring every mouthful, instead of packing in as much as you can as quickly as you can.
5) No more snacking or eating three big meals. Instead eat five small meals a day. This will help speed up your metabolism,which is important to lose weight.
6)Identify sources of empty calories in your diet, such as high fat and high sugar snacks, and limit them.
7)Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your daily diet. They're powerhouses of nutrition and can fill you up on fewer calories.
8) Chose leaner, lower fat meat and dairy products.
9) No starvation and skipping of meals.
10)Eat your calories,dont drink them. Choose your beverages wisely. Alcoholic beverages generally have at least 100 calories or more.

11) Avoid eating after 7 pm at night.
12) Choose high fiber foods such as cereals with wheat,corn and oat bran,as well as, beans and lentils as in split pea,chick peas, or bean soup. Fiber adds bulk to your diet, which can make you control your appetite.
13) A week before the wedding, concentrate on reducing the bloat; go light on alcohol,salt,simple sugars, and food that cause gas.
14) If you chose to eat out, order grilled or baked lean meats that have no added fats. Be aware that some salads have a higher fat content and thus more calories, than some meat dishes.
15) Eat colours in your diet.
16) Fruits like Banana, Mango, Grapes, Chikoo should be avoided.
17) Drinking water increases the rate at which you burn calories, helps you speed up your metabolism and makes you feel full, which means no more snacking on junk food.
18) Pick on exercise that you like and stick to it till you get used to working out.
19) Be regular with your exercise even post the wedding day since brides tend to put on weight post marriage.
20)Most important...Stay happy :)

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